The Son - (2022)
In the captivating film "The Son," directed by Florian Zeller and starring the remarkable Hugh Jackman, the visual landscape crafted by the talented production designer Simon Bowles serves as a pivotal character. Through his meticulous attention to detail and creative vision, Bowles transports audiences into a world brimming with authenticity and depth. The movie was almost entirely shot in London. Each set is meticulously crafted, immersing viewers into the protagonist's journey with its stunning realism. From the dimly lit, atmospheric streets of the city to the meticulously designed interiors of the characters' homes, Bowles expertly weaves together elements of time and place, enhancing the emotional resonance of the story. With his artistic mastery, Bowles has once again proven himself as a true visionary in the realm of production design, elevating "The Son" to a visual masterpiece.
“The Son” is set in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Washington. Peter (Jackman) has a busy life with new partner Emma (Kirby) and their baby. This is thrown into disarray when his ex-wife Kate (Dern) turns up with their teenage son, Nicholas. The movie was shot mostly in London with some exterior scenes shot in New York.
We sense something is amiss from the first moment we meet Nicholas. He is troubled, distant, and angry, playing truant from school for months – both son and mother need his father’s help. Nicholas’s wish is to live with his father for a change.
Peter strives to be a better father, searching to help his son with those intimate and instinctive moments of family happiness – to solve, with understanding, what Nicholas is going through. But the weight of Nicholas’ condition sets the family on a dangerous course. They must do everything they can to maintain the bonds that hold them together.
Zeller said: “‘The Son’ is a deeply human story which, I believe, connects us all; I hope audiences will be profoundly moved by this family’s journey. Both Hugh and Laura naturally convey great warmth, compassion, and vulnerability… inviting our audience to embrace and feel every moment. The story is set in a vibrant and very much alive New York, an important character. The movie should make us call family and friends to tell them that they are wholly loved and not alone.”
Shot in London, France and New York.
“There’s no denying production designer Simon Bowles’ impeccable eye has a distinct sense of purpose, quietly relaying aspects of the lives led before the film’s events take place.” - Leila Latif, British Film Institute
“Each set is impeccably drawn by production designer Simon Bowles” Steve Pond, The Wrap
“The production design is admirable, with well-decorated apartments acting as settings for explosive fights and traumatic moments” - Tayler Wells, Filmspeak
This movie has been nominated for Best Production Design at the 2023 British Film Designers Guild Awards.
Director Florian Zeller on set with Hugh Jackman and Anthony Hopkins.